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About the Tour


  • Your general admission ticket gives you access to seven private gardens to wander through and enjoy.

  • Gardens will have docents to guide you and answer questions.

  • Gardens and check-in are centrally located to each other to eliminate long walks.

  • At the bonus VIP garden, in addition to the eight general admission gardens, you will enjoy hors d'oeuvres and wine pairing while mingling with others to the music from a Savannah Philharmonic Orchestra member.




  • Check-in is located at ASHER + RYE, 348 Whitaker Street from1:00 to 3:00 pm, October 13th.

  • To spread out tour-goers, all gardens are color coded.  Please start at the garden that matches your ribbon.

  • All entrants must wear their ticket, a color-coded wristband, and make it visible to the gate docent.

  • Tour is rain or shine.



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